Your Health Insurance

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Can Asthma Be Cured?

Controlling Asthma and Lessening its Effects

The main reason why asthma would become worse over time is if it is not properly controlled. Controlling asthma is fairly easy these days as there are both conventional and alternative methods of treatment available. So if you do want to lessen the effects of asthma it would be a good idea to control it as much as possible.

If you do control the asthma throughout your childhood and early adulthood (depending upon when it developed) then you may find that the effects calm down later on. Some people develop asthma when they are older however; just as long as you treat the condition as soon as you develop it you should find that the symptoms lessen over time.

It is thought that half of the children who are diagnosed with asthma every year tend to outgrow the condition by their late adolescent years. They then no longer need any medication for it. Although saying that, if they are exposed to people smoking or other environmental factors, the asthma could always come back.

Preventing Asthma Attacks

Now whilst asthma may not always be cured, there is a way in which you can try to prevent asthma attacks. When children are young for example, having them surrounded by animals could stop them developing an allergy to them. However if the child is already allergic to the animal then it may be better to just avoid keeping pets altogether.

Avoiding anything which sets the asthma off is also recommended. Keeping a journal will help you to identify the triggers of your asthma and that is the best way to know what to avoid. So every time that you feel an asthma attack coming on, write down what you were doing at the time, where you were and who or what was around you.

Finally there are also natural remedies which may help you to prevent your asthma from coming on. Some people prefer natural remedies because they do not cause any side effects. If you are interested in these types of treatments then it would be a good idea to research more about them before taking anything. Overall there is no official cure to asthma but it can lessen in severity over time.

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